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发布时间:2024-04-02 10:29:00





所属部门: 太阳3-儿少卫生与妇幼保健学教研室

职  称:讲师






三、 学术简历

2016.9-2021.1 墨尔本大学,默多克儿童健康研究所,流行病与卫生统计学

2013.9-2016.7 北京大学,太阳3,流行病与卫生统计学

四、 学术兼职

2022.11月起- 中华医学会儿少卫生分会 委员

2022.12月期 江西省预防医学会健康促进与教育分会 委员

2023.1月起 江西省营养学会妇幼营养分会 常务委员

2023.9月起 江西省营养学会 理事

五、 代表性成果

1.Li DL, Zhou M, Pan CW, Chen DD, Liu M. Unhealthy Lifestyles and Retinal Vessel Calibers among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients 2022;15.

2.Liu M, Chan SY, Eriksson JG, Chong YS, Lee YS, Yap F, Chong MF, Tint MT, Yang J, Burgner D, Zhang C, Li LJ. Maternal glycemic status during pregnancy and mid-childhood plasma amino acid profiles: findings from a multi-ethnic Asian birth cohort. BMC Med. 2023 Nov 29;21(1):472. doi: 10.1186/s12916-023-03188-9.

3.Zhang, M., Liu, M., Zhang, L., Chen, Z., Zhou, Y. B., Li, H. T., & Liu, J. M. (2024). Impact of cesarean section on metabolic syndrome components in offspring rats. Pediatric research, 10.1038/s41390-024-03079-6. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41390-024-03079-6(共同一作)

4.Mao B, Xie Z, Liu M, et al. Associations of chronotype with anxiety, depression and insomnia among general adult population: A cross-sectional study in Hubei, China. J Affect Disord. 2024;351:250-258. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2024.01.188(共同一作)

5.Liu M*, Lovern C*, Lycett K, Wake M, Wong TY, He M and Burgner D. The association between markers of inflammation and retinal microvascular parameters: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Atherosclerosis. 2021;336:12-22. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.

6.Liu M, Lycett K, Wong TY, Kerr JA, He M, Juonala M, et al. Do body mass index and waist-to-height ratio over the preceding decade predict retinal microvasculature in 11–12 year-olds and mid-life adults? International Journal of Obesity. 2020; 44, 1712–1722.

7.Liu M, Lycett K, Wong TY, Grobler A, Juonala M, He M, et al. Associations of retinal microvascular calibre with large arterial function and structure: a population-based study of 11–12 year-olds and mid-life adults. Microcirculation. 2020:e12642.

8.Liu M, Lycett K, Moreno-Betancur M, Wong TY, He M, Saffery R, et al. Inflammation mediates the relationship between obesity and retinal vascular calibre in children and mid-life adults. Scientific Reports. 2020; 10, 5006.

9.Liu M, Lycett K, Wake M, He M, Kerr JA, Saffery R, et al. Cardiovascular health and retinal microvascular geometry in Australian 11–12 year-olds. Microvascular Research. 2020; 129, 103966.

10.Liu M, Wake M, Wong TY, He M, Xiao YZ, Burgner D, et al. Associations of retinal microvascular caliber with intermediate phenotypes of large arterial function and structure: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Microcirculation. 2019:e12557.




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